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Our treatment program focuses on psychological interventions delivered through group and one-on-one therapy sessions. Even though each individual receives customized treatment according to their psychological profile and goals, we have a framework for working with our clients. The following are the pillars of our treatment program:


Treatment Plans

We at Collective Care like to emphasize that you are not your addiction.

Our overall goal with treatment plans is to provide counselling, support, and education in a flexible environment.

Outpatient therapy is the most common form of psychotherapy used in drug and alcohol treatment programs. This is where you continue to live at home but receive daily or several times-a-week therapy sessions with your therapist. You spend time learning, growing, and recovering at your own pace. This option is best for those without an immediate risk and a stable home environment.

It is crucial to work closely with your therapist to facilitate communication and participate actively in your treatment to achieve the best results.

In terms of substance use disorders, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is especially useful in treating people with co-occurring disorders when someone has both a mental health condition and a substance use disorder. The basic principle of CBT is understanding the connection between how you feel, what you think, and how you behave.

Behavioral therapies like CBT can help motivate people to participate in drug treatment, offer strategies for coping with drug cravings, teach ways to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and help individuals deal with relapse if it occurs. Behavioral therapies can also help people improve communication, relationship, parenting skills, and family dynamics.

Motivational enhancement therapy uses a patient's ambitions to build an actionable, goal-oriented recovery strategy. In terms of addiction treatment, it often promotes change in problem drinkers and people abusing substances.

MET often combines with other counselling methods for addicted people, such as the 12-Step treatment method.

MET can simultaneously help treat addiction and a co-occurring disorder to prevent future relapse.

Group therapy is a small group that meets in person with a therapist. The sessions are typically open and enable those in the group to talk about their problems and challenges.

Other members can give feedback if they have dealt with a similar situation. It will provide you or a loved one a chance to talk to people who can relate more deeply. The supportive exchange in a group setting helps propel people toward getting better, which is why it's an integral part of being at Collective Care. Most groups exist to target a specific problem, like learning about the disease of addiction and overcoming substance use habits. These groups can also serve mental health purposes, targeting depression and anxiety.

Group members are urged to be as open as possible; while there are benefits from sitting quietly and listening to others' stories, active participation is more beneficial.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a treatment method used in addiction rehabilitation in combination with individual and group therapy and other tactics. DBT is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that emphasizes treatment's psychosocial aspects. It focuses on social factors and individual thought and behavior.

DBT therapy can help:
  • Increase mindfulness.
  • Build a higher tolerance level for physically and mentally unpleasant situations.
  • Improve interpersonal skills and better relationships.
  • Regulate emotions so that behavior is more even-keeled.

Family members can benefit from being part of the recovery process. And, when families become part of the mental health and recovery support, they extend healthy love and support to their loved one with addiction and mental illness. When a loved one has a mental health condition and addiction problem, many family members feel helpless to know how to help.

We strive to give family members support and education about addiction. At the same time, we invite them to participate in their loved one's recovery and be key members of their support network.

Codependency in addiction refers to a dysfunctional pattern of behavior where a person close to an individual struggling with addiction becomes excessively reliant on and controlled by the addicted person's behavior and needs. This unhealthy dynamic can perpetuate the addiction and hinder the recovery process for both parties involved. Codependency often involves enabling behaviors, where the codependent individual unintentionally supports the addict's harmful habits, inadvertently reinforcing the addiction cycle.

The 12-step model is a community-based program, considered the standard for treatment by many different facilities and programs. Developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, this program is applied not only to people with drug and alcohol problems but people with all sorts of addictions.

The 12 steps of recovery support those with an addiction and provide an outlet where people understand the daily challenges they face.

Studies have shown that participation in such a program tends to increase the likelihood of sobriety. Members who began participating in their 12-step program while enrolled in another treatment program had tremendous success.

There is also evidence that people who begin treatment early and attend meetings consistently fare better than those who manage only sporadic treatment or are in the advanced stages of addiction.

After someone undergoes addiction treatment, it's natural for relapses to happen, but it doesn't have to be the end of the world. Relapse prevention is used after treatment to help prevent this from happening. Most relapse prevention strategies focus on building cognitive-behavioral skills and coping strategies. Cognitive behavioral skills refer to a person's ability to recognize their thought patterns, which influence emotions and behaviors.